MHLAC’s office location and mailing address is:
100 Hancock Street, Suite 1002
Quincy, MA 02171 See MAP
PHONE 617-338-2345
TOLL-FREE 1-800-342-9092 | toll free for Massachusetts callers
FAX 617-338-2347
TTY Line 617-227-6500 | for TTY users and callers from jails and prisons
(email for general questions)
(intake email)
Business hours are 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Mondays – Fridays
The MHLAC Intake line can be reached by calling 617-338-2345 or toll free 1-800-342-9092, then press 4. Our intake phone system is open 24 hours/365 days per year. Please note however, that our office is closed weekends, holidays and during inclement weather. All messages left during closed hours will be handled during open business hours (9:00 am – 5:00 pm Mondays – Fridays).
Email Disclaimer: Transmitting information to us by e-mail unilaterally does not establish an attorney-client relationship or impose an obligation on either the MENTAL HEALTH LEGAL ADVISORS COMMITTEE or even the receiving lawyer to keep the transmitted information confidential. By clicking “SEND”, you acknowledge that we have no obligation to maintain the confidentiality of any information you submit to us via email unless we already represent you or unless we have agreed to receive limited confidential material/information from you as a prospective client.